Our packages
Private Tutoring
Our private tutoring is 1:1 in person or online. Lessons are developed to meet the students desired outcome and aimed at those who:
Are behind in a subject at school
Have Special Educational Needs
Are working at greater depth, looking to be challenged
Our sessions start from £40 per hourly session.
Parent Support
Our Parent Support package is a personalised subject pack which is tailored for those parents/carers who have taken on home learning.
Support packs include:
A 45 minute weekly 1:1 session with student with one of our tutors
A 15 minute parent consultation, providing weekly activities and home study resources ​
For package prices, please enquire.​
Handwriting Programme
Our handwriting programme can be given 1:1 or within a group. These sessions are suitable for those who need help to improve:
Pencil grip
Letter formation
Letter and word sizing
Letter and word spacing
Writing speed
Progression from print to cursive (joined up) writing
Progression from pencil to pen use.
Phonics Support
Our phonics programme is aimed to support those who are home educated and those who go to school, who may be behind in phonics or need extra support to grasp the foundations of reading, writing and spelling.
For those who are struggling with the teaching methods of phonics, we use Toe by Toe which uses blending sounds to support reading skills.
Learning Confidence Package
Our learning confidence termly package includes weekly 1:1 sessions in person. This package is aimed at those who:
Lack learning confidence, and may be working towards the expected standard
Those who are working at the expected standard, yet would benefit from additional support
Identifying and bridging learning gaps to catch up with age level​
We offer termly packages or pay as you go sessions.​
Our pay as you go sessions start from £40 per hourly session. For package prices, please enquire.​
Social Club
Our sole purpose is to provide the opportunity for like-minded neurodivergent individuals to socialise in a safe, friendly and inclusive collective to practice social interaction demands in real-life social scenarios to build confidence, gain skills and be able to advocate oneself.
We understand that socialising and interactions can be unnerving for our children. We aim to increase self-esteem and independence. To do this, we have planned a 12-week program to be accessible and provide a variety of real-life activities in different social scenarios our children may face to be transferable and easier to use in all social situations such as:
The school playground
A birthday party
A play date
Family gathering
The local playground
A shopping trip
A neurotypical community-run group.
Enquire now to book your child's space.
Lego Therapy Approach
Our Lego approach promotes social interaction, turn-taking skills, sharing, collaborative problem-solving and the learning of concepts. Lego is ideal for targeting goals related to social skills, language, and motor skills.
By using a commonly known tool like LEGO, it capitalises on its existing motivation and supports self-esteem by allowing the child to demonstrate their skills in a social situation. It also promotes a positive opportunity for navigated social problem-solving to help develop social skills that can then be used in other situations.